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Trend 2022 - Aufeinanderprallende Farben

Dried flowers remain popular in all shapes and colours. In addition to the traditional colour combinations, we see more and more special combinations in the shops and on Social Media. Mixing colours is becoming increasingly popular and the mix of dried with fresh flowers is also taking off.

Popular dried bouquets consist of many different flowers, and often also of several colours of 1 variety. Clashing is a must with this new style dried flower bouquets in 2022. Pink, red and purple combined together, create a nice warm bouquet, the real daredevils also add yellow, green or blue. The combination of many different types of coloured phalaris especially, is very popular among consumers.


The combination of different colours of canary grass adds a playful touch and it makes it look like the bouquet is made almost by accident. The colour palette is reminiscent of a childish playfulness, which creates a positive feeling. With these special colour combinations, the consumer can express his own style and individuality.

The examples below show many examples of larger bouquets and arrangements, this is to show the effect of many different colours together. But this trend is also perfect for mini vases containing 20-25 flowers. Think: a small table vase as an accent on the coffee table, on the kitchen counter or in the children's bedroom. Black has also been added to the bouquet below: this provides (even more) depth to your bouquets and the bright colours stand out even more this way.


Due to the shift in bouquet trends, we have added DIY packages to our range: a package consisting of different flower types with which you can create one or more bouquets. Or you can use it as a basis for an arrangement of your own.


Ready-made bouquets

We have also added ready-made bouquets to our range. These dried bouquets completely hit the nail on the head with this trend.


Inspiration von Linda

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