The advantages of Decofleur
  • Only for companies
  • Large range & graduated discount
  • Available directly from stock
  • Own stock & production

Conditions & Terms V & V Decofleur B.V.

1. General
1. These general terms of sale apply to all our offers and to all agreements with third parties.
2. Confidentiality promises: Decofleur ensures confidential handling of all customer data received.
3. Transaction security: All transactions used with Credit Card and Internet Banking are made at payment pages that are secure
    through the use of encryption with SSl. Credit Card holders are asked for their CVV (Credit Card Verification) to prevent fraud.
4. Transactions with Credit Cards will appear on your credit card statement as WWW.DECOFLEUR.COM / N.W.HOUT NL
5. Decofleur asks the cardholder explicitly to retain a copy of the transaction at an easily accessible place.

2. Offers
1. Our offers are without obligation.
2. A transaction via internet will only exist after acceptation of the order by Decofleur. Decofleur is allowed to reject any order or to
    set certain conditions to a delivery, unless stated otherwise. If the placed order did not reach Decofleur due to technical reasons,
    the transaction does not exist.

3. Prices
1. The prices we quote are, unless stated otherwise, exclusive of VAT and excluding shipment and transport.
2. Agreed prices are based on the cost factors, that apply at the time the agreement is made. We reserve the right to charge our
    client a proportional rise in price, in case our suppliers raise theirs, and other changes in price fixing factors.

4. Shipping
1. Shipping is, also with franco delivery, at the risk of the buyer.
2. The choice of shipping and packaging is up to us. 

5. Delivery
1. It is possible we send out your order in partial deliveries.
2. The mentioned delivery times are to be regarded as target dates.
3. If delivery of the goods does not take place at the specified time, we have the right to a subsequent delivery period of 30 days.
    This period starts on the day of receipt of a registered letter of summons from the buyer.
4. If delivery does not take place, even after notice of default, the buyer only has the right to cancel the agreement in writing.
    Failure of delivery can never give the client right to claim compensation, not even after notice of default.

6. Force majeure
1. In the event that force majeure delays or prevents the execution of the agreement, we have the right to cancel the agreement
    without giving the buyer the right of claiming compensation.
2. Force majeure also includes the non-delivery or late delivery of goods by our suppliers, which we need to carry out our
    obligations, strikes and impeding governmental measures.

7. Liability and complaints
1. Complaints regarding deliveries must be made in writing within 8 days after the goods have reached the buyer. If the buyer fails
    to do so, we deem ourselves to have delivered in accordance with our obligations.
2. If complaints are made in time, and the delivered goods do not meet the terms of the agreement, we will, after receiving the
    returned goods, either arrange a repeated delivery free of charge, or credit the buyer for the returned goods. We are not obliged
    to any further obligations, in particular not to any compensation.
3. Decofleur cannot be held liable for consequential damage to products.

8. Payment
1. Unless stated otherwise on the invoice, all orders must be prepaid before delivery will take place. If any payment term is
    exceeded, a 1% interest is due for every month or part of the month by which the term is exceeded. A complaint does not
    postpone the obligation of payment. A settlement of debts is never allowed.
2. All judicial and extrajudicial collection costs will be borne by the buyer. The extrajudicial costs are at least 15% of the main
    amount overdue with a minimum of €250,- and are claimable without any further snotice as soon as we have given the
    claim to third parties for collection.

9. Warranty
1. In the event of non-payment of claimable amount, of suspension of payment and if after the conclusion of the agreement there are grounds for doubt about the correct fulfillment by the buyer of his obligations, the latter is obliged to pay in advance or to provide security. Failure to comply with this obligation will be considered as breach of contract and gives us the right to dissolve the agreement in whole or in part, without further notice of default and/or judicial intervention, whereby we can claim compensation, at least equal to the amount that the buyer has under the agreement was owed to us.
2. All goods delivered and to be delivered remain our exclusive property until all claims we have or shall or will obtain on the buyer, for whatever reason, have been paid in full. In the event that the buyer does not fulfill any obligation towards us under the agreement, we are entitled to take back the goods without any notice of default being required, in which case the agreement has also been dissolved without judicial intervention, without prejudice to our right to compensation.
3. If non-payed goods are reclaimed, Decofleur is entitled to take back goods from the (non-paying) client that are found to be technically identical with the unpaid goods. Technically identical is defined as goods that could be reselled by Decofleur under the same product description.

10. Disputes
1. Dutch law applies to all our agreements.
2. Any disputes be brought before the competent court of the place in which we have the right to submit a dispute to that court that would be competent to hear the claim without the above clause. gebruikt cookies om de website te verbeteren en te analyseren, voor social media en om ervoor te zorgen dat je relevante advertenties te zien krijgt. Als je meer wilt weten over deze cookies, klik dan hier voor ons cookie beleid. Bij akkoord geef je toestemming voor het gebruik van cookies op onze website.
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